
1Christian Bendig +73511+77
2Andreas Kehrer +843122+88
3Angela Junginger +93432+99
3Jürgen Schmidt +943132+99
5Benjamin Walther +1045311+1010
5Sascha Tausend +1043322+1010
5Matthias Ziegler +1043322+1010
8Markus Hybl +1244341+1212
9Sven Raff +14F54311+1414
9Michael Burbach +14F43322+1414
9Matthias Lambur +14F44213+1414
12joseph hanke +15F53223+1515
13Philipp Noack +19F55432+1919

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The result was updated on: 2023-12-21 22:02:48. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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