
1Andreas Kehrer +3221+33
2Angela Junginger +73223+77
3Kathrin Wünsche +8F31121+88
4Katharina Bolay +945211+99
4Ilja Fuchs +93432+99
6Christian Bendig +11F42311+1111
6Alex G +11F23312+1111
6Ricky Schönfeld +1144412+1111
9Markus Hybl +13F43312+1313
10Sven Raff +1445432+1414
11Gerwin Gold +1545532+1515
11Stefan Kadelbach +15F43332+1515
13Marko Götz +17F54431+1717
14Andreas Wünsche +18F54333+1818
15Karsten Lüders +19F54433+1919
16joseph hanke +21F54534+2121

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The result was updated on: 2024-03-14 21:42:18. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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