
1Lukas Schär -5F223232233-522
1Martin Zürcher -5F223233322-522
3Patrick Röösli -4F233233322-423
3Roger Noti -4F323322332-423
5Fritz Hürzeler -2F233333332-225
5Tore Haugholt -2F333333322-225
5Thomas Küttel -2F432423322-225
5Christof Schlegel -2F333422332-225
9Stefan Zürcher -1F243333332-126
9Karin Rubin -1F334333223-126
9Patrick Stalder -1F233343332-126
12Turi Küttel 0F343333323027
12Michael Basler 0F333332343027
14Markus Birkenmeier +3F343443342+330
14Reto Wisler +3F443433333+330
16Volker Pittlik +4F344343343+431
17Jens Stuker +5F533334434+532
18Franco Brambilla +6F345334542+633
18Mansing Tang +6F435543432+633
20Simon Schüpbach +8F336354434+835
21Patrick Kalbermatten+13F544474453+1340
21Jaron Kalbermatten+13F356564443+1340
23Alessia Piller +23F576655646+2350

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The result was updated on: 2024-02-03 13:46:19.

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