
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1 Matthias Vutt, Heigo Niitla∑1742-10F422242523433222323-1050
1 Henri Kroosmann, Sten-Egert Neem∑1811-10F522242542332232223-1050
3 Mike van der Valk, Eleri Kästik∑1757-8F333352422433233223-852
4 Raido Liiksmann, Raymond Roosna 平∑1735-7F423352533333232223-753
4 Ülari 平 Aav, Diana Kalde∑1784-7F432352522432232333-753
4 Sander Ivarinen, Andres Katte∑1861-7F422452633332332222-753
7 Arti Vaas, Timmo Ordjas∑1847-6F322363622333233332-654
8 Ralf Rogov, Kadilii Vellend∑983-5F333343533225332233-555
9 Maarja Soasepp, Sanna Nõmm∑1685-3F433352633334232323-357
9 Maikl Tammik, Gerli Rüüberg∑1735-3F333353523342342333-357
11 Philip Klaar, Mari-Liis Joa∑1706-2F333353544342232333-258

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The result was updated on: 2024-04-06 17:42:44. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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