
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Olli Mattila 0F343335343223038
2Kari Savola +6F453345344333+644
2Mika Hunnakko +6F453435344333+644
4Matti Palomäki +7F354346244433+745
4Jouni Kotilahti +7F454336344333+745
4Kalle Kaski +7F543336243543+745
7Reijo Hanhisalo +8F345336346333+846
8Seppo Niemi +9F354436444334+947
9Tommi Lehtonen +10F454446344334+1048
10Ari Kosk1nen +13F465436335534+1351
11Kai Lindroos +16F554446355535+1654
12Timo Helenius +18F464357466443+1856

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The result was updated on: 2024-09-07 15:32:35. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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