
08/29/24 19:30|Ørndalen DiscGolfPark → 12 - Par 39|NORWAY, Troms og Finnmark, Tromsø


  • Registration start: 08/29/24 09:04 +02:00
  • Registration end: 08/29/24 19:30 +02:00
  • Maximum number of players: 48
  • The number of registered players: 15

 Registered on
1 Amund Korneliussen08/29/24 09:21:14
2 Stig Jakobsen08/29/24 09:22:13
3 Lasse Topstad08/29/24 09:27:08
4 Antti Kallunki08/29/24 10:12:50
5 Jonas Haugan08/29/24 11:18:35
6 Ulrik Simonsen08/29/24 11:47:10
7 Christopher Dobree-Bell08/29/24 11:49:39
8 Akseli Pursio08/29/24 12:59:15
9 Jonas A Henriksen08/29/24 13:25:10
10 Ådne Korneliussen08/29/24 15:56:11
11 Magnus Jakobsen08/29/24 16:44:46
12 Gunnar Mellem08/29/24 17:15:38
13 Sondre Bogstrand08/29/24 17:52:22
14 Vebjørn Sæbø08/29/24 19:16:43
15 Pål Eivind Hansen08/29/24 19:16:50


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