
10/05/24 09:30|Kiiu → BUEN Kiiu Park 18|ESTONIA, Harju Maakond, Kuusalu

    Handicap (HC) calculation by Metrix rating

    NoNameRating of MetrixRating of scoreChange
    1Ülo Pihu719773.8154.81
    2Lauri Valtri839891.3552.35
    3Taivo Tamme969986.3817.38
    4tuuli põldme687695.348.34
    5Ats-Janno Pihu890875.29-14.71
    6Reinis Gross834812.43-21.57
    7Michael Helštein823787.73-35.27
    8Kenneth Hütt885839.31-45.69
    9Milica Gavrilov761725.32-35.68
    10Rando Tihane906806.94-99.06
    11Elo Gross813680.96-132.04
    12Ralf Gross688.63688.63

      Ring 1Ring 2Sum
    1Taivo Tamme 5457111
    2Lauri Valtri 7657133
    3Ats-Janno Pihu 7064134
    4Kenneth Hütt 7070140
    5Rando Tihane 6579144
    6Reinis Gross 7968147
    7Michael Helštein 7575150
    8Ülo Pihu 8173154
    9Milica Gavrilov 9571166
    10tuuli põldme 9576171
    10Ralf Gross 9180171
    12Elo Gross 9082172

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