
10/05/24 13:00 Golfstart|Viimsi Discgolfi Park → 1|ESTONIA, Harjumaa, Viimsi

Handicap (HC) calculation by Metrix rating

NoNameRating of MetrixRating of scoreChange
1Lauri Valtri839949.87110.87
2Ülo Pihu719757.9838.98
3tuuli põldme68772235
4Milica Gavrilov761781.9620.96
5Reinis Gross834817.94-16.06
6Taivo Tamme969949.87-19.13
7Ats-Janno Pihu890865.92-24.08
8Michael Helštein823733.99-89.01
9Kenneth Hütt885793.96-91.04
10Elo Gross813650.04-162.96
11Rando Tihane906686.02-219.98
12Ralf Gross674.02674.02

NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Lauri Valtri -1F232434444342332334-157
1Taivo Tamme -1F232443434342333334-157
3Ats-Janno Pihu +6F333434444454532333+664
4Reinis Gross +10F343355635443433334+1068
5Kenneth Hütt +12F333435557263443325+1270
6Milica Gavrilov +13F343445556453444323+1371
7Ülo Pihu +15F333456545462544334+1573
8Michael Helštein +17F333555446362433475+1775
9tuuli põldme +18F344546734383433444+1876
10Rando Tihane +21F444443568563534443+2179
11Ralf Gross +22F353566566463333634+2280
12Elo Gross +24F343365867383443543+2482

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The result was updated on: 2024-10-05 15:01:56. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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