
Metrix Rating 930 tai yli (3)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Kalle Savonen -4F223333332-424
2Kari-Pekka Heinonen -1F333323433-127
3Kimmo Isoniemi +3F333333535+331
Metrix rating alle 930 (12)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Keke Sjöblad -1F333333522-127
2Tomi Kukkonen 0F333433423028
3Stefan Silverström +1F333433532+129
4Hannu Hjelm +2F333433533+230
5Tero Piipponen +3F333444433+331
5Juha Ruokonen +3F333433534+331
7Risto Lintula +4F333434543+432
7Teuvo Kilpiö +4F433434533+432
7Heikki Peltonen +4F533334533+432
10Mia Sjöblad +5F343434543+533
11Marika Suni +10F444545732+1038
12Timo Vanne +11F473543652+1139

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The result was updated on: 2024-12-11 20:14:03. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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