
    NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
    Open (20)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
    1Einar Melgård +1F433223353342343343+157
    Bullseye hit0%
    Green hit39%
    Outside circle putt1
    Inside circle putts1111111112311112277%
    Inside bullseye putt0
    Bullseye hit0%
    Green hit28%
    Outside circle putt0
    Inside circle putts11221111211112211178%
    Inside bullseye putt0
    4Espen Bratberg +4F532343343342335343+460
    4John-Are +4F324324433453363332+460
    6Kenneth Hagen Brattetaule +5F344523333253343443+561
    7Andreas Borgen +7F333324533353344453+763
    8Nils Arne Håland +8F335333533363333363+864
    9Aleksander Miljus +9F323433434453443454+965
    9Christian Furberg +9F324544343442353345+965
    Bullseye hit0%
    Green hit28%
    Outside circle putt0
    Inside circle putts11211112121311211175%
    Inside bullseye putt0
    12Gunnar Solli Okkenhaug +12F334334534354464433+1268
    12Steinar Utstrand +12F353434342363557323+1268
    14Terje Husby +15F334355735643343532+1571
    15Eirik Meyer Jensen +17F4435734333105334324+1773
    16Christian Dalhaug +19F336335543573384442+1975
    17Remy Olsen +23F433534446474383635+2379
    18Christian Ulvesten +25F354344645495446443+2581
    18Adrian Sve +25F635534556373745343+2581
    20Kristian Kvamsøe+45F55755104745105463466+45101
    Dame (1)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
    1Nina Almås +36F447565777463543663+3692

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    The result was updated on: 2016-08-08 11:43:24.

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