
    NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
    Open (17)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
    1Fredrik Runsjø -12F3223252232222223322-1246
    2Lars Somby -8F3344222232232232342-850
    3Kristoffer Amundsen -6F2343323233223332333-652
    4Martin S Noreng -5F3233323222333343342-553
    5Peter Skaar -3F2323234332333335332-355
    5Jonas Tangen Hoff -3F3453242233223224333-355
    5Per Sigmund Aagenæs -3F2323334233333333333-355
    5Sondre Dyb Berg -3F4334423332242323323-355
    9Niklas Gisle -2F3343252243233223433-256
    10Tommy Myhre -1F3333323334332434332-157
    Bullseye hit
    Green hit
    Outside circle putt
    Inside circle putts
    Inside bullseye putt
    12Morten Falk 0F3342223333324433434058
    13Remi Kvalvik +1F3242534433323234432+159
    13Tore Skagestein +1F4343432433333223433+159
    15Roy-Arne Jensen +2F3374233233433232433+260
    16Thomas Johannessen +3F3333423454233343333+361
    17Geir-Arne Roos +10F3334333353344343464+1068
    Open Woman (4)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
    1Hanna Hugosson +4F3343433343333333542+462
    1Sigrid Sandum +4F3443332345334233433+462
    3Trine V Haugen +8F3433633343334434433+866
    4Hilde Hegland Kristiansen +10F3343353443433334553+1068
    Advanced (24)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
    Bullseye hit5%
    Green hit32%
    Outside circle putt4
    Inside circle putts2111211111111111168%
    Inside bullseye putt2
    Bullseye hit11%
    Green hit42%
    Outside circle putt2
    Inside circle putts211211112111112267%
    Inside bullseye putt3
    2Ola Kolle -1F3352323432335224323-157
    4Henrik Aaslund 0F3343222334323435333058
    Bullseye hit
    Green hit
    Outside circle putt
    Inside circle putts11112211111111122
    Inside bullseye putt
    Bullseye hit5%
    Green hit16%
    Outside circle putt2
    Inside circle putts112112111111111189%
    Inside bullseye putt1
    4Øystein Storskogen 0F3523332353234333422058
    4Håkon Sommerset Kippernes 0F3325533333223233334058
    9Lars Jonas Haarberg +1F3434225343233343323+159
    9Sigbjørn Strand +1F4344232433334333323+159
    Bullseye hit16%
    Green hit32%
    Outside circle putt1
    Inside circle putts12111122212122168%
    Inside bullseye putt3
    9Tor Arne Jostad +1F3334322433245333432+159
    Bullseye hit11%
    Green hit32%
    Outside circle putt1
    Inside circle putts111211211112111280%
    Inside bullseye putt2
    14Thore Isaksen +3F2343343233244444333+361
    15Jari Luostarinen +4F3343323332344433543+462
    15Dagfinn Valen Brendemo +4F4343336434333223333+462
    17Marius Flagestad +6F3343234434433443433+664
    17Jan Killi+6F3444264342333443422+664
    19Esbjörn Kjell +7F3335432364334333343+765
    Bullseye hit5%
    Green hit16%
    Outside circle putt3
    Inside circle putts211212111111212171%
    Inside bullseye putt1
    19Geir Turtum +7F2444335243243335443+765
    Bullseye hit5%
    Green hit16%
    Outside circle putt1
    Inside circle putts12112111211111211168%
    Inside bullseye putt3
    23Kristian Sønningdal +10F4344333446243333543+1068
    24Martin Svartnes +12F4445424342343334563+1270
    Avanced Woman (4)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
    1Helene Lund-Johansen +12F3445333453333426453+1270
    2Eirin Korvald +18F4436644443335334553+1876
    3Caroline Guldahl +20F3555424464435434553+2078
    4Nina Almås +22F5469523344445433534+2280
    Recreational (18)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
    Bullseye hit
    Green hit
    Outside circle putt
    Inside circle putts2
    Inside bullseye putt
    1Mats Bentzen 0F2343322434323326432058
    3Truls Flatland+1F3343333334223424433+159
    4Morten Tarvoll +2F3344334332244323433+260
    5Freddy Haugen +4F3334324434343233443+462
    6Leif Arne Dammen +6F4345332234344434423+664
    7Thomas Blomberg +7F3325334453433333443+765
    8Mats Jakob Nesmann +9F3346334434433434333+967
    8Simen Dyb Berg +9F3474333333343334353+967
    10Roar Hoffshagen +10F3345232454444324453+1068
    10Tom Thorsen +10F4343335353334343543+1068
    12Ørjan Brekke +11F4443354353334334533+1169
    12Øyvind Gartha Seland +11F3343235434325445363+1169
    14Håkon Gram Stoltenberg Russeltvedt +13F3345334453335434444+1371
    15Asgeir Blakseth +14F4344436443443233464+1472
    15Anders Wallner +14F4355334453344324553+1472
    17Thomas E Z Lundquist +16F4446353455334334533+1674
    18Glenn Pedersen +22F4445435443545443546+2280
    Junior (1)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
    1Herman Bentzen Hinkel +22F4445525484345333563+2280

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    The result was updated on: 2017-03-25 17:53:06.

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