
    1Mika Heinonen -5F222233332-522
    1Timo Pukkila -5F232332223-522
    3Aleksi Salakka -4F233233232-423
    3Harri Laitoniemi -4F233233232-423
    5Jukka Komulainen -3F233333223-324
    6Pasi Horppu -2F323343223-225
    6Petteri Akkanen -2F333233233-225
    8Tero Muuronen -1F334233332-126
    8Juha Piipponen -1F333332333-126
    8Niko Koskimaa -1F224233334-126
    8Harri Pokki -1F243333233-126
    8Lauri Vanamo -1F223353233-126
    13Esa Heiskanen 0F432343242027
    14Aapo Palokangas +1F234343324+128
    14Kari Kauppila +1F333343333+128
    16Maija Hirvonen +2F233444333+229
    17Ari +3F443334333+330
    17Hannu Teitto +3F333354333+330
    19Pirjo lottonen +4F333454333+431
    20Teemu Henttu +5F342355334+532

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    The result was updated on: 2017-09-27 18:43:06. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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