
05/12/18 10:00|airBaltic → DiscGolfPark|LATVIA, Riga

  • Comment: LDGF reitings & PDGA C-tier + WGE

NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
MPO (vīrieši) (15)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
1Aigars Ancāns -6F3323333343342232323-654
1Gunārs Grundmanis -6F4232343222433313226-654
3Jānis Dombrovskis -2F5223433232433333343-258
4Toms Vācietis -1F5222532423533233343-159
4Pāvels Voitkevičs -1F6322433332433333333-159
6Dzintars Spuns +1F5232443322534432334+161
6Arnis Makārovs +1F4243353333443322244+161
8Uvis Sunakslis +2F4232432533453333244+262
9Andris Mošenkovs +4F6333352333443333334+464
10Sergejs Volkovs +5F4323445333443433334+565
11Kalvis Fridenbergs +6F5322444423643433235+666
12Ingus Timpers +8F5323344422544533345+868
13Pāvels Brokāns +10F5333243333633543446+1070
14Edgars Saulītis +13F7444342433534533345+1373
15Agnis Vītols +14F6423243333644743346+1474
FPO (sievietes) (7)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
1Elena Vecmane +7F5333443323435433336+767
2Elīza Dalbiņa +12F6333444344543533335+1272
3Anna Riekstina +13F5333234335743424357+1373
4Ieva Zvane +15F5333453334733643436+1575
5Inga Daugaviete +17F5443453433654543336+1777
6Aija Grundmane +21F6344434434655444446+2181
7Laura Daugaviete +22F7423354452754464337+2282
Novice Iesācēji vīrieši (6)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
1Toms Šteinbergs +8F5233434343533463334+868
2Ģirts Žeiers +10F5433353433533453245+1070
3Jānis Zemzāle +15F7443343443644434335+1575
4Peteris Svalbe+18F8334444434534534346+1878
5Kaspars Paberzs +22F5443443433744564438+2282
6Dainis Skuja+70F97447127695976658559+70130
Novice Women Iesācējas sievietes (5)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
1Laura Ekharde +21F6434444454454544355+2181
2Kristīne Frīdenberga +22F7333643443645544356+2282
3Paula Feldmane +38F7545575463665645447+3898
4Santa Šmite +42F73444647641065564467+42102
5Laura Belajeva+62F10556767754887557668+62122

Hole-by-hole statistics

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The result was updated on: 2018-05-12 12:29:58. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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Competition: 19 holes x 2 rounds

Groups: MPO, FPO, MJ15, MA3, FA3

Participation fee: 12 eur (MJ15 - 5 eur)


Day plan:

09:00 Registration

10:00 1st round start

12:30 Lunch soup

13:00 2nd round start

16:00 Award ceremony


Tallink Latvija cruise to Sweden for best player in womens division!

Competition registered - LDGF rating, PDGA C-tier un WGE (Womens Global Event 2018).


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