
    NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617+/-Sum
    Profesjonell (13)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617+/-Sum
    1Audun østevik 0F52232333344442344055
    2Endre Wangsholm +1F53332335244243433+156
    3Bernt andre notland +2F43332434344243344+257
    4Odd Baustad +5F43433534445224343+560
    5Henrik Wigestrand +6F63234434463324343+661
    6Elling Leirgulen +7F43333434393333353+762
    6Atle lundegaard +7F43232634553222475+762
    8Magnus Moseng +8F53332533353433474+863
    9Lydie Hellgren +10F64333536364333343+1065
    9espen larsen +10F43533434444534345+1065
    11Jarle Levin Bærøy +11F33435734455234443+1166
    12Johnny Bergstrøm +12F53333525446434364+1267
    13Eirik Gjedrem +13F43436435366332544+1368
    Avansert/Amatør (9)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617+/-Sum
    1Reinis Peksens +3F53432435353323343+358
    2Trine Varaas Haugen +6F43432435463233444+661
    2Stian Glærum +6F53333434455332344+661
    4Jan Tore Bakken +7F55332325444333445+762
    5Ørjan Brekke +9F53334535443443443+964
    6Roald Skålevik +10F64332526464333443+1065
    7Johannes Husa +11F44334434473344363+1166
    8Sindre Rage +12F73534436443333354+1267
    9Merete Auestad +19F64332534455455484+1974

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    The result was updated on: 2018-06-24 15:54:39. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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