184. THF-Runde  12/08/18 14:00

    NoNameResultHandicap (HC)Adjusted (Result-HC)Change (Adjusted-Par)
    1Sara Krieg5513.241.8-3.2
    2Sebastian Dargel48444-1
    3Kai Sommer502.647.42.4
    4Andreas Wolfsohn46-2.648.63.6

    NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415+/-Sum
    1Andreas Wolfsohn +1F333232334452324+146
    2Sebastian Dargel +3F243333344433234+348
    3Kai Sommer +5F334355334423233+550
    4Sara Krieg +10F533263454333344+1055

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    The result was updated on: 2018-12-08 16:58:08. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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