
05/18/24 - 05/20/24|Grafarholt Vormót 2023 → Bláir|ICELAND, Höfuðborgarsvæðið, Reykjavíkurborg



We're sold out!

What a great start to an amazing tournament. First stage of registration opened February 1st, the last stage opened February 16, And February 20th we sold out! There are already 14 players on the waiting list. We could not be more excited about this significant milestone! 

Reykjavik Open 2024 is Iceland’s first A-Tier disc golf tournament. This year we have confirmed players from 8 different countries. A fun fact, last year’s Reykjavik Open had 86 players total between 5 divisions. This year we have over 70 players just playing pro divisions.

The last steps are already underway. But in the coming days we will finally announce our sponsors, the total pro purse, cash distribution and more. So don’t worry, it’s all coming. 

This year we had 110 spots up for grabs. This meant that the first 110 players to pay their entry fee got a secure spot in the tournament. We already reached that milestone. Total spots in the tournament how ever are 120. This means that we have 10 wildcards to give out to players on the waiting list. 

Applications for wildcards are now open! 

Wildcards will guarantee a players spot in the tournament even if the player is currently on a waiting list. How this works is that if your are currently on said waiting list you can apply for a wildcard. Wildcard will be given out in stages. In the first stage 4 wildcards are give out. 

If a players receives a wildcard then he has until the next stage of wildcard giveaway to pay his entry fee. If a player has not paid the entry fee before that time, he automatically loses his wildcard and is put back on the waiting list. 

The waiting list takes into account the date of payment. A player who has paid his entry fee and is on the waiting list, automatically moves up the list overtaking those who have not yet paid. 
However this does not apply to wildcards. Wildcards will always guarantee your spot in the tournament as long as you pay the entry fee before the next stage of giveaway starts.

To apply for a wildcard players must send the following email : 

To : reykjavikopen@fgr.is
Subject : Wildcard 
Name : John Doe (as its registered on metrix)
Division : MPO 
PDGA# : 999999

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask, we try our best to help you in any way possible.

Here are the Wildcard stages 
February 20th - March 4th : 4 wildcards
March 5th - April 4th : 4 wildcards
April 5th - May 2nd : 2 wildcards

- Reykjavik Open 2024


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