
06/26/19 07:00 Golfstart|Nevas Golf (Pop-Up) → TYYNI 2019 | Nevas Golf|FINLAND, Uusimaa, Sipoo

Last minute information


Tee-times are confirmed. There were no changes to pre-registered tee-times. Anyway, check your tee-time in the  morning.

Walk-in registration is possible only for following tee-times:
- 08:10 (3 spots)
- 08:20 (3 spots)
- 08:30 (1 spot)
Otherwise the event is full booked. Walk-in payment with cash, exact amount.


Use carpools. There are a highly limited parking space at Nevas, so we ask all players to use carpools. Meet your friends at Neste Sipoonlahti and take one car from there. Thanks.


NOTICE! Golf carries for golf bag IS NOT in use for disc golfers in the Doubles event. They are reserved for golfers all day.


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