
Jäppilä discgolfpark

  • Location: Finland, Etelä-Savo, Pieksämäki
  • Baskets: 9 Par: 27
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: -3°C 1.86 m/s SSW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

1Esa Natunen02/10/19 11:00233324332-225
2Esa Natunen02/10/19 12:00233423333-126
2Janne Tyrväinen06/24/18 16:00333522233-126
2Ville Venäläinen02/10/19 12:00344322323-126
5Paavo Hynninen05/13/21 13:00243432243027
5Sami Palviainen02/10/19 11:00343423323027
5Tuukka Lappi02/10/19 11:00233333433027
5Tuukka Lappi05/13/21 12:00342343233027
5Esa Puttonen05/13/21 13:00233533323027
10Jani Nauha05/13/21 12:00343433332+128
10Sami Palviainen02/10/19 12:00243323344+128
10Tapio Virnes02/10/19 11:00343333333+128
10Tuukka Lappi06/24/18 16:00342433333+128
10Jyrki Tamminen06/24/18 16:00244423333+128
10Jyrki Tamminen02/10/19 11:00243433333+128
10Jani Nauha05/13/21 13:00243423334+128
17Kai Kenakkala02/10/19 12:00333433343+229
17Maco Moilanen02/10/19 11:00343423433+229
17Maco Moilanen02/10/19 12:00344423333+229
17Esa Kolehmainen10/03/18 14:30234343334+229
17Rasmus Lehtinen10/03/18 15:12343432334+229
17Esa Puttonen05/13/21 12:00334324433+229
23Kalevi Mieskolainen06/24/18 16:00463332243+330
23Leevi Halonen05/13/21 13:00254423343+330
23Ari Kohvakka05/13/21 12:00353333343+330
23Timo Venäläinen05/13/21 13:00343433433+330
23Erkko Tolvanen05/13/21 12:00344343333+330
23Jyrki Tamminen02/10/19 12:00243433353+330
23Rasmus Lehtinen10/03/18 14:30343434342+330
23Tuukka Lappi05/13/21 13:00443332254+330

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined