
Järva Discgolfpark

  • Location: Sweden, Stockholms län, Stockholm, Kista, Akalla, Akallalänken
  • Baskets: 9 Par: 29 Length: 952m
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 2°C 4.63 m/s NNW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

1Martin Leiger10/02/21 14:01222324333-524
1Sören Vetevool10/02/21 14:01233224233-524
3Christopher Kranz06/08/22 19:39333333333-227
3Philipp Röbke06/07/19 11:10332434422-227
3Kai Sommer06/07/19 11:10332434422-227
6Jesper Danielsson09/28/19 10:00332434423-128
6Martin Persson Thurén09/28/19 10:00234334423-128
6Christian Prescher06/08/22 19:39333332443-128
6Lorenz Schneider06/08/22 19:39343223443-128
6Werner Riebesel06/08/22 19:39233233354-128
11Martin Fors09/28/19 10:00334424523+130
11Viktor Malmlöf09/28/19 10:00332344533+130
11Johan Roos09/28/19 10:00242535423+130
14Simon Skog09/28/19 10:00434434423+231
14Martin Falberg09/28/19 10:00332435533+231
16Daniel Barreiro09/28/19 10:00344435423+332
16Tobias Krause10/26/20 15:01433334633+332
16Simon Lindgren09/28/19 10:00334335533+332
16Jens Karlsson09/28/19 10:00343326524+332
20Patrik Hollsten09/28/19 10:00334327533+433
21Thomas Jirevall09/28/19 10:00334446433+534
21Johan Ahlm09/28/19 10:00354435523+534
23Jessie Eurenius09/28/19 10:00234454733+635
23Magnus Hedlund06/22/20 19:04343445633+635
23Ras Teddy Zilla09/28/19 10:00244536533+635
23Andreas Johansson10/26/20 15:01333437534+635
23Niklas Mattsson09/28/19 10:00445435433+635
28Thobias Josefsson09/28/19 10:00454344543+736
28Thomas Lindqvist06/22/20 19:04343446543+736
28Tobias Jirevall09/28/19 10:00252544833+736

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
