
Sandnes Disc Golf Park

  • Not in use 
  • Location: Norway, Rogaland, Sandnes, Dyre Vaas Vei
  • Baskets: 20 Par: 64
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 6°C 5.66 m/s E
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011161718192021222324+/-Sum
1Nikko Locastro07/15/17 10:0042222222323233223342-1450
1Nikko Locastro07/16/17 09:0043222222222343222333-1450
3Henning/audun09/25/17 16:5032232232233333222243-1351
3Philo Brathwaite07/16/17 09:0033322222224233223333-1351
5Karl Johan Nybo12/11/16 10:4543222222224333223342-1252
5Simon + Petter Tesdal03/06/18 16:3133232222223243332243-1252
7Philo Brathwaite07/16/17 13:0043232232223243232243-1153
7Nikko Locastro07/16/17 13:0043222222324353222332-1153
7Yngve Mæland09/17/17 14:3033222232233244222343-1153
7Yngve Mæland09/18/17 17:2033232322224343223332-1153
11Ole Tobias Synstad07/15/17 10:0033332323233234222342-1054
11Petter Tesdal12/22/17 15:0033222322233244322343-1054
11Tommy Myhre08/30/17 18:0043222232323333232343-1054
11Philo Brathwaite07/15/17 10:0032322223323233242353-1054
11Bjørn Åge Lunde08/30/17 18:0043222322223353222343-1054
16Sindre Skippervik07/29/16 08:3052232222243243222263-955
16Tommy Myhre09/17/17 14:3043222233323243222353-955
16Sindre Skippervik07/15/17 10:0043232234223333222343-955
16Tommy Myhre08/12/17 10:0042222232224344232343-955
20Ole Tobias Synstad08/12/17 10:0043222233324234222353-856
20Sindre Skippervik06/18/17 13:1543322233223343333332-856
20Mathias Josdal08/12/17 13:4544232223224353222333-856
20Tommy Myhre07/30/17 14:0043232222223353242343-856
20Petter Tesdal12/30/17 13:0043422232324343222243-856
20Tommy Myhre08/12/17 13:4543222332233343322343-856
20Egil Sætren08/12/17 10:0042222222224343433253-856
20Erik Hammer Staalesen12/11/16 10:4542332222234533322333-856
20Tommy Myhre09/18/17 17:2043222222234453232243-856
20Yngve Mæland06/19/17 17:0043222322324343222353-856
20Yngve Mæland07/23/17 12:0043232232323443232342-856

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2018-03-18Ukesgolf Sandnes → 2. round23Petter Tesdal (-6) | 8 10 2
2018-03-18Ukesgolf Sandnes → 1. round25Yngve Mæland (-4) | 8 8 4
2018-02-25Skins 10Yngve Mæland (-4) | 10 5 4 1
2018-02-18Ukesgolf Runde 6 → 2. round17Yngve Mæland (-5) | 6 13 1
2018-02-18Ukesgolf Runde 6 → 1. round19Tommy Myhre (-6) | 7 12 1
2018-01-27Ukesgolf , Runde 4 → 2. round17Petter Tesdal (-4) | 6 12 2
2018-01-27Ukesgolf , Runde 4 → 1. round19Petter Tesdal (-4) | 7 10 3
2018-01-13Ukesgolf runde 2 → 1. round15Egil Sætren (-4) | 7 10 3
2017-12-30Årets siste pengesluk → 2. Runde13Petter Tesdal (-8) | 9 10 1
2017-12-17Ukes golf runde 60, Sandnes (20+11) → 1. round12Remi Kvalvik (-6) | 7 12 1

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
