

  • Location: Finland
  • Baskets: 9 Par: 27
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: -0°C 1.81 m/s SW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

1Aapo Karhi05/09/24 17:00322232322-621
2Aapo Karhi05/09/24 18:00222323332-522
2Joel Järvi05/09/24 17:00223222423-522
4kaapo nylander05/09/24 18:00223233332-423
5Jari Lahtinen01/10/21 14:33233333322-324
5Matias Varhi07/25/22 20:35223225323-324
5Ossi Harinen01/10/21 13:52324332232-324
5veeti lahtinen01/10/21 14:33233332233-324
5Viljami Rinne05/09/24 18:00224233332-324
10Ossi Harinen01/10/21 14:33323323333-225
10veeti lahtinen01/10/21 13:52233233333-225
10Julius Puranen05/09/24 17:00233245222-225
10Jari Lahtinen01/10/21 13:52233323333-225
14Joel Järvi05/09/24 18:00433242332-126
15Viljami Rinne05/09/24 17:00332333253027
16kaapo nylander05/09/24 17:00332344333+128
17Heidi Helin-Harinen01/10/21 14:33343343324+229
17Heidi Helin-Harinen01/10/21 13:52442353422+229
17Julius Puranen05/09/24 18:00232333247+229
20Juhani Ruuth07/25/22 20:35335343333+330
20Jarno Äijälä05/09/24 18:00233444442+330
20Mikko Oras07/25/22 20:35333433542+330
20Ville Oras07/25/22 20:35333344334+330
24Joonas Puranen05/09/24 17:00434234344+431
25Jarno Äijälä05/09/24 17:00335336432+532
26Vertti Lahtinen01/10/21 13:52545322444+633
26Peetu Koski05/09/24 18:00343444344+633
28Peetu Koski05/09/24 17:00446343433+734
28Petro Koski05/09/24 17:00354334444+734
30Joonas Puranen05/09/24 18:00443354444+835

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
No events found

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
