
Frisbee Laholm

  • Location: Sweden
  • Baskets: 18 Par: 54
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  • Weather: 11°C 5.19 m/s SE
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Johan Stensmar09/15/20 17:30223223232223323232-1143
2Johannes Engström06/21/22 18:00222223223233332332-1044
3Olof Sandin08/16/22 18:00223233232233332332-846
3Steve Magnusson06/28/22 18:00233223322333322323-846
5Johannes Engström05/31/22 18:00222233232323423333-747
5Johan Stensmar09/07/21 17:50222322223333324333-747
5Olof Sandin08/09/22 18:00422322322333323332-747
5Johannes Engström04/19/22 18:00222322232333324234-747
5Olof Sandin10/02/22 14:00232223323332333233-747
5Oskar Axelsson10/02/22 14:00232223323332333233-747
5Johannes Engström05/17/22 18:00222223322333334242-747
12Mikko Persson10/02/22 14:00322323332233333332-648
12Johan Stensmar08/03/21 18:00222223432243322343-648
12Johan Stensmar08/18/20 18:00223222222533233343-648
12jeremias modig10/02/22 14:00322323332233333332-648
12Johannes Engström08/23/22 18:00223332223333333233-648
12Martin Nilsson06/21/22 18:00333321222343323333-648
18Johannes Engstöm09/07/21 17:50232323432233422333-549
18Max Wahlqvist10/02/22 14:00223323233233333333-549
18Johan Stensmar05/20/20 18:00323323222333332433-549
18Nicklas Radels05/11/21 18:00232332222342333334-549
18Johan Stensmar06/28/22 18:00332324322333332233-549
18Johan Stensmar08/30/22 18:00323223332333333233-549
18Olof Sandin09/20/22 17:30224222243333332234-549
18Johan Stensmar10/02/22 14:00223323233233333333-549
18Johannes Engström08/02/22 18:00332223223233243334-549
18Johannes Engstöm08/24/21 18:00232323233333323333-549
18Steve Magnusson08/09/22 18:00223223332333333333-549
18Steve Magnusson08/16/22 18:00323423322243323332-549
30Johannes Engström07/05/22 18:00222334332233333333-450

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2023-01-15Laholm Vinter 22/23 → 7. Round v210Olof Sandin (-2) | 4 12 2
2022-10-02KM Laholm → Dubbel16
2022-10-02KM Laholm → Singel16Martin Nilsson (-3) | 5 12 1
2022-09-20Laholm Höst Tour → 13. v3815Olof Sandin (-5) | 8 7 3
2022-09-06Laholm Höst Tour → 11. v3618Olof Sandin (-4) | 7 9 1 1
2022-08-30Laholm Höst Tour → 10. v3515Johan Stensmar (-5) | 5 13
2022-08-23Laholm Höst Tour → 9. v3415Johannes Engström (-6) | 6 12
2022-08-16Laholm Höst Tour → 8. v3314Olof Sandin (-8) | 8 10
2022-08-09Laholm Höst Tour → 7. v3214Olof Sandin (-7) | 8 9 1
2022-07-26Laholm Höst Tour → 5. v3013Johannes Engström (-4) | 6 10 2

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
