
Intermadclubs casa de campo

  • Not in use 
  • Location: Spain, Madrid
  • Baskets: 11 Par: 35
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 11°C 2.06 m/s N
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011+/-Sum
1Carlos Ortega09/21/19 18:0033232332342-530
2Iván Gutierrez de Terán09/21/19 18:0033333333332-332
2Manuel angel Almeida posada09/21/19 11:0033324323333-332
4Iván Gutierrez de Terán09/22/19 10:0032522434323-233
4Manuel angel Almeida posada09/21/19 15:3043232433342-233
4Manuel Domínguez Gallardo09/21/19 11:0043232343243-233
4Manuel Domínguez Gallardo09/21/19 18:0032334423333-233
4Manuel Domínguez Gallardo09/22/19 10:0043333333323-233
4Miguel Caparrós09/21/19 15:3033332343324-233
10Manuel angel Almeida posada09/22/19 10:0042322344334-134
10John Cornett09/21/19 15:3042323444332-134
10Manuel Domínguez Gallardo09/22/19 11:4533333343342-134
10Miguel Caparrós09/21/19 11:0033332533423-134
10Manuel Domínguez Gallardo09/21/19 15:3032333443333-134
15Manuel angel Almeida posada09/21/19 18:0033423343433035
15Iván Gutierrez de Terán09/21/19 15:3032333533343035
15Manuel angel Almeida posada09/22/19 11:4532423333363035
15Iván Gutierrez de Terán09/22/19 11:4534332333533035
15John Cornett09/21/19 11:0043334433332035
15Miguel Caparrós09/21/19 18:0033333434423035
15Miguel Espiau09/22/19 11:4543333334333035
15Víctor Parejo09/22/19 10:0033333333533035
23Grady Harbor09/22/19 11:4542433343532+136
23Ismael L. R.09/22/19 11:4552333432434+136
23Jorge Berástegui-Sampedro Marcos09/22/19 10:0053322333453+136
26Carlos Ortega09/22/19 11:4543344333433+237
26Iván Gutierrez de Terán09/21/19 11:0044434332532+237
26Carlos Ortega09/21/19 11:0042323353624+237
26Ismael L. R.09/21/19 18:0032343534334+237
30John Cornett09/22/19 10:0053333333534+338

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
