
Ladun majan frisbeegolfrata

  • Not in use 
  • Location: Finland, Länsi- ja Sisä-Suomi, Keski-Suomi, Jyväskylä, Ronsuntaipaleentie 221, 40500
  • Baskets: 9 Par: 27 Length: 548m
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: -3°C 0.54 m/s SE
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)

Ladun maja disc golf course is a beginner-friendly, nine holes long course near Mustanlampi landfill.

Course is in park-like setting and is suitable for throwers on all skill levels. Tees are covered with turf and baskets are blue Innova Discatchers.

Parking lot is right next to the course.

NOTE. Parking on the side of the road is forbidden, park your car to marked parking area. There is active landfill going on in the area and access to landfill area must not be obstructed. There is more parking space at Ladun maja and you can access course from there via forest.

NOTE: Don't go to Palveluskoirakenttä and parking area near it.

NOTE: Don't go to landfill area (maanläjitys).

Course is built by Jyväskylän Liitokiekkoilijat ja Jyväskylän Latu!


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Top results

1Juho Kauppinen07/03/21 09:30232223223-621
2Micci Kohvakka07/03/21 09:30222433222-522
3Jaan Takala07/03/21 09:30333323222-423
3Mikael Männistö07/03/21 09:30323323322-423
3Mikko Poikonen07/03/21 09:30232234223-423
3Veli-Pekka Parhiala07/03/21 09:30323223323-423
7Mikko Voutilainen07/03/21 09:30223333332-324
7Olli Mikkonen07/03/21 09:30333323232-324
7Ossi Mikkonen07/03/21 09:30323323233-324
7Janne Nummela07/03/21 09:30323333223-324
11Marko Voutilainen07/03/21 09:30242323333-225
11Laitinen Janne07/03/21 09:30232324333-225
13Niko Savolainen07/03/21 09:30233333333-126
14Tiitus Takala07/03/21 09:30333433332027
14Simo Ikonen07/03/21 09:30243233334027
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