
Sandnes Disc Golf Park

  • Not in use 
  • Location: Norway, Rogaland, Sandnes, Dyre Vaas Vei
  • Baskets: 18 Par: 59 Length: 1975m
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 3°C 0 m/s N
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

 1 2 3 4 7 9111214161718202122232425+/-Sum
1Mikal Håland09/26/21 09:00332232325433332333-752
2Knut Håland09/03/21 10:46423232333433233433-653
2Yngve Mæland09/02/21 17:23332432432443223342-653
4Mikal Håland09/26/21 13:00442322333434343343-257
4Trygve Aarbakke09/26/21 13:00433332423345332343-257
4Knut Håland09/03/21 16:43432442434344322252-257
7ruben Bernhardsen09/26/21 13:00332343533433234442-158
7Erlend Johnsen09/03/21 12:15532332432545243242-158
7Kenneth Myhre09/26/21 09:00432333425443233343-158
10Morten Lerstøl09/26/21 09:00332343432544332353059
10Tobias Hjorteland Schjølberg09/26/21 13:00423333432543333434059
10Torbjørn Iversen09/26/21 13:00423333433563233432059
10Ola Magnus Laugaland09/26/21 09:00432333335443333253059
10Roald Skålevik09/02/21 11:51343333325353333244059
15Torbjørn Iversen09/26/21 09:00332342433453444333+160
15Ole Toni Johansen09/26/21 09:00532233533434333533+160
15Endre Wangsholm09/26/21 09:00533332424343333444+160
15Tom Erik Kristiansen09/03/21 10:46333333424364342343+160
19Jarle Levin Bærøy09/26/21 09:00433433433353343334+261
19Jarle Levin Bærøy09/26/21 13:00432233423443352554+261
19Marcus Ånonsen09/26/21 13:00443333434433333443+261
19Elling Leirgulen09/26/21 09:00332233534443443443+261
23Audun østevik09/02/21 09:56433343523543333443+362
23Ronnie Viken09/26/21 13:00432333434543333363+362
23Erik Sellevold Bleika09/26/21 09:00633232524443333354+362
23Stian Glærum09/26/21 09:00432233345453344343+362
23Kenneth Myhre09/26/21 13:00434352423374333243+362
23Egil Eikeland09/26/21 13:00634332433453343333+362
23Anniken Steen09/03/21 10:46432333733444323353+362
23Ola Magnus Laugaland09/26/21 13:00532233343444333454+362

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2021-09-26Sandnes Cup 2021 → Sandnes Cup Nr. 4 → Runde 2.47
2021-09-26Sandnes Cup 2021 → Sandnes Cup Nr. 4 → Runde 1.50Mikal Håland (-7) | 9 8 1

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
