
Malluusen frisbeegolfrata

  • Not in use 
  • Location: Finland, Länsi- ja Sisä-Suomi, Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Kuortane, Mäyry, Malluusentie
  • Baskets: 18 Par: 65 Length: 2563m PAR rating: 1006
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: -2°C 1.38 m/s NNE
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)
  • Course map

Malluunen disc golf consists of two courses: from a challenging 18-hole course (AAA1) and 9-hole warm up course (B1). Both courses run in forest and field landscape with small height differences.

The courses include e.g. long open and versatile holes, tight wooded holes, OB-islands, hazard areas and even a slight downhill shots. The course layouts are partially overlapping: some holes share their Tee with each other but each hole has its own basket.

The course is located in a private area in Kuortane, Finland, and can be found at: Malluusentie 425, 63130 Mäyry, only 25 minutes from Keskinen Brothers Variety Store and less than half an hour from Seinäjoki! Parking on the course parking lot.

PRO AAA1 course hole lenghts are ranging from about 300 ft (>90m) to multiple over 650 ft (>200m) holes. Course par is 65 and length over 8500ft (almost 2600m) so that means the average length of holes is about 460ft (>140m). The holes variate from tight forest lines to open distance driver holes with lots of OB and hazard.

Recommended course fee 5€/day. You can pay it using MobilePay: number 12781 (Malluusen frisbeegolfseura ry), add message "Course fee", thank you!

Learn more https://malluusenfrisbeegolfrata.fi/en/



Ratings analysis

Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Jani Syrjänen08/22/22 18:00323224643433444323-659
2Janne Sinisalmi08/28/22 13:45533335543323333423-560
2Pertti Koivula08/15/22 18:00423235542533334423-560
4Jimi Roikonen08/28/22 13:45343344543433434423-263
5Janne Sinisalmi08/28/22 09:00532235563324334443-164
5Eelis Laulumaa07/11/22 18:00323334543434454433-164
7Jani Syrjänen08/15/22 18:00433435452433344533065
7Henri Koivunen09/24/23 12:40534335664323333333065
7Jani Syrjänen07/18/22 18:00433335553543343333065
10Taneli Heikkilä09/17/23 12:00643324463434343433+166
11Teemu Turigin06/27/22 18:00324434543633444423065
12Jani Syrjänen08/20/23 14:00334435543443335424+166
12Leo Berg09/18/22 11:00523334643423654324+166
12Niilo Kiviniemi07/25/22 18:00334334553343345623+166
15Henri Koivunen06/04/23 09:00443345563333435423+267
15Pasi Keskinen08/28/22 13:45533325564334334533+267
15Lenna Widgren08/01/22 18:00423434453444435443+267
15Roni-Ville Rissanen06/04/23 13:30434434463344344523+267
15Henri Hynnä09/18/22 11:00332344643444354524+267
15Mikko Järvinen08/28/22 09:00333337543434344443+267
21Niilo Kiviniemi08/22/22 18:00333534654433345424+368
21Onni Salonen08/28/22 13:45534354443444335343+368
21Leevi Kainu08/28/22 13:45433434463434345434+368
21Janne Sinisalmi06/04/23 13:30633435543444334424+368
21Henri Koivunen06/04/23 13:30434346543533344334+368
21Joona Kriikkula07/25/22 18:00433235563344353543+368
21Tatu Lehtosaari07/11/22 18:00342345543334644344+368
21Lasse Nikkari06/04/23 09:00433335763333343444+368
21Timo Liljamo09/24/23 12:40344245645433334524+368
30Leevi Kainu08/28/22 09:00533534542534433643+469

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
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Last 10 events with 10+ players

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
