

  • Location: Austria, Graz-Umgebung, 8061 Sankt Radegund bei Graz, Schöcklstraße 23
  • Baskets: 18 Par: 59
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: -7°C 0.97 m/s SSW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Leon Sonnleitner05/18/23 09:10323333233332222323-1247
2Leon Sonnleitner05/26/22 13:45233232223342342323-1148
2Leon Sonnleitner05/26/22 09:30333222233342332323-1148
4Vincent Coyle05/26/22 13:45323343325333222323-851
5Niklas Schaffer05/26/22 09:30322432333442243323-752
6Markus Rosenblattl05/26/22 13:45222443344343223323-653
6Stefan Leitinger05/26/22 09:30222343324243333442-653
6Max Menner05/18/23 09:10323333324442223343-653
9Eric Osterwinter05/26/22 13:45233452334342322432-554
10Michael Ernst05/26/22 09:30333433323343333333-455
10Stefan Sonnleitner05/18/23 09:10432333243353323324-455
10Vincent Coyle05/26/22 09:30233243424453223432-455
10Christian Havlicek05/26/22 13:45233342334442332433-455
14Thomas Hirsch05/18/23 09:10322443333442423433-356
14Gerald Wölbl05/26/22 13:45223443223463323433-356
14Eric Osterwinter05/26/22 09:30223333335353234333-356
14Wolfgang Fröhlich05/18/23 09:10233242234343334443-356
18Eric Osterwinter05/18/23 09:10332333335342242543-257
18Niklas Schaffer05/18/23 09:10242443325442323343-257
18Christian Havlicek05/26/22 09:30223344325345332324-257
18Laurenz Nothdurfter05/26/22 09:30334342223454233334-257
22Gerald Wölbl05/26/22 09:30333444325443233323-158
22Wolfgang Fröhlich05/26/22 13:45243442225453333333-158
22Laurenz Nothdurfter05/26/22 13:45323633224462342324-158
25Niklas Schaffer05/26/22 13:45324343334343423443059
25Gerhard Schwarz05/26/22 09:30233333433553253342059
25Philipp Friedler05/18/23 09:10333433334444232443059
25Manuel Oman05/18/23 09:10243343223552334533059
25Gerhard Schwarz05/26/22 13:45234442334544332324059
30Gerhard Schwarz05/18/23 09:10332443434444432423+160

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2023-05-18Schöckl Warmup 2023 (AAT) → Round 171Thomas Hirsch (-3) | 5 11 2
2022-05-26Schöckl Open 2022 Warmup → Round 253
2022-05-26Schöckl Open 2022 Warmup → Round 153Leon Sonnleitner (-11) | 1 9 8

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
