
Ace park Backby

  • Location: Finland, Uusimaa, Espoo, Bodomintie
  • Baskets: 9 Par: 27
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: -1°C 1.54 m/s NNE
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

1Lassi Hämäläinen10/10/24 11:00223222222-819
2Matti Penttilä10/10/24 11:00233222222-720
2Reko Kauppinen10/10/24 11:00223223222-720
4Patrick Ellison10/10/24 11:00223223223-621
5Pasi Jalava10/10/24 11:00322323232-522
5Juho Rossi10/10/24 11:00323232322-522
5Mika Lilja10/10/24 11:00233232322-522
8Krister Palmén10/10/24 11:00223323323-423
8Joonas Seppä10/10/24 11:00232223333-423
8Lauri Huotari10/10/24 11:00333222332-423
8Jarkko Kärkkäinen10/10/24 11:00323422322-423
8Veijo Salmela10/10/24 11:00323233322-423
13Karri Karkulahti10/10/24 11:00233333223-324
13Petteri Bechinsky10/10/24 11:00224323224-324
13Heimo Niininen10/10/24 11:00243332322-324
13Risto Jokela10/10/24 11:00423322323-324
13Sami Peltonen10/10/24 11:00323324322-324
13Martin Granvik10/10/24 11:00223333323-324
19Jukka Otajärvi10/10/24 11:00343233232-225
19Sami Niskanen10/10/24 11:00225423322-225
21Mervi Arisalo10/10/24 11:00323324333-126
22Aku Sidorow10/10/24 11:00323333343027
22Mikko Oikari10/10/24 11:00225323343027
24Risto Mattila10/10/24 11:00324433333+128
24Matti Vatanen10/10/24 11:00333352324+128
24Yasuo Yamamoto10/10/24 11:00333334324+128
27Liisa Lakkasuo10/10/24 11:00334333334+229
27Ossi Hytönen10/10/24 11:00433333433+229
27Joona Eliander10/10/24 11:00533234333+229
27Henrik Lähdes10/10/24 11:00343334342+229

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
No events found

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
