
Järvelä DiscGolfPark

  • Location: Finland, Päijät-Häme, Kärkölä, Järvelä
  • Baskets: 6 Par: 18 Length: 385m
  • Class: C1
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 0°C 0.59 m/s SSE
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

1Anton Tarjanne10/17/22 18:05222213-612
1Eelis Mattila10/17/22 18:05222222-612
3Ari Lukkarinen08/02/22 14:09322222-513
3Anton Tarjanne10/17/22 18:28322222-513
3Jonni Jernström10/17/22 18:28232222-513
3Tomi Nieminen05/25/19 16:32222232-513
3Tomi Nieminen05/25/19 17:07222223-513
8Antti Silvennoinen10/17/22 18:28322223-414
8Yrjö Munukka06/15/17 19:37422222-414
8Yrjö Munukka06/17/17 16:42323222-414
11Eelis Mattila10/17/22 18:28332223-315
11Jonni Jernström10/17/22 18:05222423-315
11Yrjö Munukka06/15/17 19:15332223-315
11Antti Silvennoinen10/17/22 18:05322323-315
11Lauri Saarinen10/17/22 18:05333222-315
16Kaapo Kajuutti08/09/23 13:45333322-216
16Vili Lahtinen08/09/23 13:45332323-216
16Heikki Kuusela05/25/19 16:32323323-216
16Niina Tokeensuu05/25/19 17:07332323-216
16Yrjö Munukka06/17/17 15:45333322-216
16Jani Sinkkonen08/09/23 13:45432223-216
22Olli Heikka06/17/17 15:45433223-117
22Jani Kuitunen06/15/17 19:15432323-117
22Lauri Saarinen10/17/22 18:28334223-117
22kasper ahde08/09/23 13:45333323-117
26Tuukka Tervo08/09/23 13:45324333018
26Heikki Kuusela05/25/19 17:07333324018
26Olli Heikka06/15/17 19:37423324018
26kimmo ahde08/09/23 13:45324333018
26Jani Kuitunen06/15/17 18:45632223018

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
No events found

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
