
Sammonlahden frisbeegolfrata (LPR)

  • Location: Finland, Etelä-Karjala, Lappeenranta, Notkopellonraitti 2, 53850 Lappeenranta
  • Baskets: 9 Par: 27 Length: 476m
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: -9°C 3.6 m/s N
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

1Timo Mäntylä06/13/15 16:30222332322-621
2Jani Riihelä04/21/16 19:38233223223-522
2Jani Riihelä04/21/16 23:18232222333-522
2Jani Riihelä11/15/15 14:39231522223-522
5Jarkko Nokka06/10/16 00:01232233332-423
5Jani Riihelä11/12/15 19:34332332322-423
7Jarkko Koskela12/02/15 19:37233332332-324
7Janne Kemppi07/27/17 20:29232233234-324
7Pekka Jaakkola07/31/15 18:29323423223-324
7Petri Forsman12/10/15 19:25342333222-324
7Jarkko Koskela12/02/15 18:51322432323-324
7Timo Mäntylä11/12/15 19:34333333222-324
7Timo Mäntylä04/01/16 21:28233433222-324
7Timo Mäntylä04/01/16 22:07233342223-324
15Juuso Pajari11/27/15 18:53333342223-225
15Larry Green07/31/15 18:29333332323-225
15Larry Green07/31/15 19:03342223225-225
15Mikael Kuusinen12/02/15 18:51233533222-225
15Janne Kemppi12/10/15 18:00342233233-225
15Pekka Jaakkola07/31/15 19:03333333232-225
15Petri Forsman06/13/15 17:05242332423-225
15Jani Riihelä11/27/15 18:53322533223-225
15Petri Forsman04/01/16 22:42334232323-225
15Jani Riihelä11/15/15 13:30443322223-225
15Jani Riihelä11/15/15 15:22332333323-225
15Timo Mäntylä11/27/15 17:57234333223-225
15Timo Mäntylä11/27/15 19:36233333323-225
15Timo Mäntylä12/10/15 19:25333333223-225
15Janne Kemppi07/31/15 17:55223523323-225
15Jarno Kuikka08/18/16 13:40333332224-225

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
No events found

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
