
  • Location:
  • Baskets: 0 Par:
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  • Weather: 4°C 4.02 m/s W
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

1Lukas Schär12/09/23 10:30422332-516
2Roger Noti12/09/23 10:04332333-417
3Michael Basler12/09/23 12:00422433-318
3Christof Schlegel12/09/23 10:04323433-318
5Christof Schlegel12/09/23 10:30332434-219
5Martin Zürcher12/09/23 10:30333334-219
5Michael Basler12/09/23 10:04432442-219
5Christof Schlegel12/09/23 12:00332434-219
5Peter Leuenberger12/09/23 10:30433432-219
5Lukas Schär12/09/23 10:04342433-219
5Roger Noti12/09/23 10:30442333-219
5Roger Noti12/09/23 12:00433342-219
13Lukas Schär12/09/23 12:00433433-120
13Patrick Röösli12/09/23 10:04533333-120
13Fritz Hürzeler12/09/23 10:04533432-120
13Martin Zürcher12/09/23 12:00433352-120
13Fritz Hürzeler12/09/23 10:30433433-120
13Michael Basler12/09/23 10:30432443-120
19Patrick Röösli12/09/23 10:30533433021
19Michel Schmidhalter12/09/23 10:30423444021
19Peter Leuenberger12/09/23 12:00433533021
22Fritz Hürzeler12/09/23 12:00543542+223
22Michel Schmidhalter12/09/23 10:04543443+223
22Peter Leuenberger12/09/23 10:04463433+223
22Martin Zürcher12/09/23 10:04453344+223
22Tore Haugholt12/09/23 12:00534443+223
22Turi Küttel12/09/23 10:04444434+223
28Tore Haugholt12/09/23 10:30443454+324
28Michel Schmidhalter12/09/23 12:00562344+324
28Patrick Röösli12/09/23 12:00432744+324

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2023-12-09walkabout Weekly → Day 5 → Round 311Michael Basler (-3) | 3 3
2023-12-09walkabout Weekly → Day 5 → Round 211Lukas Schär (-5) | 5 1
2023-12-09walkabout Weekly → Day 5 → Round 111Roger Noti (-4) | 4 2

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined