
Ølberg Frisbeegolfbane

  • Not in use 
  • Location: Norway, Rogaland, Sola, Ølbergvegen
  • Baskets: 12 Par: 38 Length: 1031m
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 8°C 8.23 m/s SE
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Yngve Mæland09/13/17 19:00342234223323-533
2Petter Tesdal09/27/17 18:40333324224333-335
2Bjørn Åge Lunde09/27/17 17:30332334323333-335
2Yngve Mæland09/27/17 17:30232434333332-335
2Yngve Mæland10/22/17 14:00232434233342-335
6Johannes Leite06/21/17 19:30422335223433-236
6Bjørn Åge Lunde04/23/17 14:00224334224433-236
6Remi Kvalvik10/06/18 16:43323324324433-236
6Sondre Andreassen02/02/19 16:44233234333532-236
6Tommy Myhre01/06/18 14:06332334333333-236
6Bjørn Åge Lunde01/06/18 14:06432324223443-236
6Espen Dorheim04/05/17 18:59333434233332-236
6Yngve Mæland09/27/17 18:40432334234332-236
6Joachim Boxill knutsen10/06/18 16:43232334234343-236
15Magnus Moseng10/06/18 16:43332335323433-137
15Nikolai Vølstad04/10/18 19:06322334224345-137
15Odd Baustad09/27/17 17:30233324434432-137
15Odd Baustad09/27/17 18:40342335233333-137
15Bernt andre notland09/27/17 18:40233324235433-137
15Petter Tesdal12/10/17 14:15432434324332-137
15Petter Tesdal04/06/18 15:58432334324333-137
15Audun østevik06/21/17 19:30332334243433-137
15Espen Dørheim09/13/17 19:00322336233433-137
15Tommy Myhre06/21/17 19:30333235224433-137
15Tommy Myhre08/16/17 19:30423245234332-137
15Tommy Myhre09/27/17 17:30332335234333-137
15Tommy Myhre10/29/17 14:00333334233334-137
15Espen Dørheim10/22/17 14:00233335234333-137
15Yngve Mæland04/05/17 18:59232344234343-137
15Yngve Mæland08/16/17 19:30333334323334-137

Course statistics

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Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
