
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1remi lariviere -4F343233432332333433-454
2Thomas TRAPPO -1F442333343243233335-157
3Edward Vouge +1F343332333355323335+159
4gilles BAN +2F233434343363343324+260
4Christophe GONOD +2F333343443353233344+260
6Selim Yilmazoglu +7F334444443353344343+765
7Laurent THEVENOT+8F443343453353433354+866
7Stefano Marzi +8F434333344453532265+866
9Isabelle QUENAUDON +10F444634444363332335+1068
9David CASTAGNE +10F353444453353224455+1068
11Romain THIBOUW+18F563545464463333345+1876
12Marylou SIMONNOT+28F454554465485343656+2886

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The result was updated on: 2020-10-04 13:00:50.

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