
1Tuomas Westerling -4F223333232-423
2Jaakko Koppström -2F323343223-225
3Antti Murto -1F333233243-126
4jukka tarvainen 0F323343333027
5Jukka Timonen +1F423442333+128
5Mikko Pekkanen +1F433333333+128
5Toni Lehto +1F333433333+128
8Jouko Talja +2F433253333+229
8Mikko Kivioja +2F333343343+229
10Ossi Virtanen +3F442244433+330
10Pekka Westerling +3F434334333+330
10Aatu Vuolle +3F333334335+330
13Jarkko Viljanmaa +7F543345334+734
14Matti Aalto +8F444364334+835
15Sami Oinonen +16F473584444+1643

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The result was updated on: 2021-02-14 12:08:19. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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