
    1Jaakko Koppström -4F322333322-423
    2Mikko Kivioja -2F333243133-225
    3Pekka Westerling -1F323343233-126
    4Jukka Timonen 0F325253322027
    4Mikko Pekkanen 0F323343333027
    4Tuomas Westerling 0F332432424027
    7Toni Lehto +1F235343233+128
    7jukka tarvainen +1F332264233+128
    9Aatu Vuolle +2F336233243+229
    9Jouko Talja +2F334343333+229
    11Antti Murto +3F332544243+330
    11Ossi Virtanen +3F433353243+330
    13Matti Aalto +5F344253335+532
    13Jarkko Viljanmaa +5F335354234+532
    15Sami Oinonen +9F433555335+936

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    The result was updated on: 2021-02-14 13:11:53. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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