
11/17/22 09:00|Tunnel Ridge Ranch for Sunshine Coast Open → 2022 Aussie Champs|AUSTRALIA


  • Registration start: 09/18/22 20:00 +:00
  • Registration end: 09/27/22 08:00 +:00
  • Maximum number of players: 36
  • The number of registered players: 36
  • Wildcards: 2
Open Openall
Int Intermediate - Under 920 Ratedall
Rec Recreational - Under 880 Ratedall

 Open (21)Waiting listRegistered on↑
1Drew Gibson, Jennifer Allen11/16/22 20:14:01
2Nick Hanson, Jeremiah Flickinger10/02/22 20:39:49
3Tim Bohan, Blake Houston09/20/22 20:38:31
4Trent Pease, Chris Palazzi09/20/22 15:05:17
5Gareth Morgan, Tudor Morrow09/20/22 09:45:28
6Damon Williams, Riley Ingle09/20/22 00:05:16
7Jacob Davies, Thomas McNeilly09/19/22 23:31:30
8Nicholas Halstead, Leith Brodie09/19/22 19:57:51
9Rueben Berg, Alistair Don09/19/22 19:14:53
10Michael Gliese, Abraham Garfield09/19/22 08:17:54
11Ryan Johnson, Jay Ros09/19/22 06:49:17
12Connor Donnelly, Alex Kynaston09/18/22 23:54:28
13Matt Hill, Dylan Feldman09/18/22 22:07:11
14Nathan Prichard, Mathew Prichard09/18/22 21:42:15
15Atticus Ariston, Scott Stokely09/18/22 21:10:03
16Luke Bayne, Aaron Moreton09/18/22 21:09:24
17Priit Kõiv, Marti Oberg09/18/22 20:08:46
18Chris Hart, Ryan Hart09/18/22 20:01:14
19Jade Brady, Austin D'Alessandro09/18/22 20:00:56
20Hayden Mcpherson, Daniel Adamec09/18/22 20:00:47
21Dan Frost, Keegan Brady09/18/22 20:00:41
 Intermediate - Under 920 Rated (8)Waiting listRegistered on↑
1sean Dobbs, Michael Canci09/19/22 19:41:19
2Paul Comninos, Mat Wallis09/18/22 21:07:11
3Cassie Sweetten, Jason Browne09/18/22 20:05:09
4Stephen Clarke, Kairi Koobakene09/18/22 20:01:23
5Edward Hesline, John Schlobohm09/18/22 20:00:52
6Luke Pote, Benjamin Hicks09/18/22 20:00:49
7Adam Lowe, Patrick Ferris09/18/22 20:00:40
8Nathan Thomas, Mitchell Ussher09/18/22 20:00:30
 Recreational - Under 880 Rated (7)Waiting listRegistered on↑
1Lee Thompson, Ryan Nicholson09/20/22 13:29:06
2Cameron Prichard, Peter Prichard09/18/22 21:47:10
3Tim Wright, Alex Williams09/18/22 20:06:19
4Jason Rees, Christopher J Scott09/18/22 20:01:10
5Peter Kozy, John Kozy09/18/22 20:01:01
6Sarah O'Shannessy, Wade O'Shannessy09/18/22 20:00:36
7Anthony Pearsall, Matti Pearsall09/18/22 20:00:28


Fourth Circle Discs


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