
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101422232425262728+/-Sum
1Vetle Salvesen +3F223424523335433434+359
2Edvard Hjemdal +5F234335333235423454+561
3Håkon Bjørheim Risdal +9F243235443543344543+965
4Tobias Lid +11F236336424444434542+1167
5Thomas Paulsen +12F534336323434434545+1268
6Jon Eivind Henriksen +13F423346465432623453+1369
7Adrian Gustavsen +15F264436433253344663+1571
8nikita voronik +20F335336424453444856+2076
8Aron Wroldsen +20F444256334435394445+2076
10Heine Gjerstad Beisland +22F455426326335544944+2278

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The result was updated on: 2022-10-01 13:30:06.

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