
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314+/-Sum
1Christopher Gebur -13F22222222232222-1329
1Michael Faber -13F22222222232222-1329
3Christoph Kannler -12F22223222232222-1230
4Sylwester Przybyla -11F23222222232322-1131
4Jerome Braun -11F22223222233222-1131
6Torsten Baus -10F23222222232332-1032
7Ben Skibba -9F33222223222323-933
7Victor Braun -9F22233222233322-933
7Niklas Kochems -9F23223323232222-933
10Christoph Zickert -8F22233233233222-834
10Marek Weinert -8F23323233232222-834
12Axel Küpper -7F23223323242322-735
12Thomas Horenburg -7F22223233232333-735
12Robin Knop -7F33223323232322-735
12Ivan Ilin -7F23233322432222-735
16Dennis Dietrich -5F23223323233333-537
16Hannes Richter -5F33333223233322-537
16Niklas Dobbeck -5F33323333232322-537
16Nils Volkers -5F23323332233323-537
16Christian Lembrecht -5F23333223233323-537
21Ronny Möller -4F23323323433322-438
21Rainer Drefers -4F23233323333323-438
21Tom Howie -4F23323333432322-438
21Luca Seßler -4F23323322433332-438
25Philipp Dobrigkeit -3F23323323433323-339
25Johannes Hille -3F34333322233323-339
25George Braun -3F33234223433322-339
25Aiko Blohm -3F33333233332233-339
29Martin Rathmann -2F23323233443332-240
29Mara Meisel -2F23323333433323-240
31Sebastian Rehfeldt 0F24323333434332042
31Sören J. 0F33334333332333042
31Paul Bartz 0F43234323333333042
34Christian Friedrich +1F33333423433333+143
34Kay Büttner +1F33233333442433+143
36Arne Köhncke +2F23335523442323+244
37Stephen Defty +3F33434333443323+345
38Christian Nokel +4F34334333443333+446
38Andreas Hoechner +4F33335333443333+446
40Steffi Kretschmann +8F43434334454333+850
41Sabine Manghofer +16F44435435554534+1658
42Marie Knoblauch +21F44645445465543+2163

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The result was updated on: 2023-02-12 12:50:35. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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