
Hyzernauts Discgolfparcours, Volkspark Potsdam

  • Not in use 
  • Location: Germany, Brandenburg, Potsdam, Bornstedt, Georg-Hermann-Allee 101
  • Baskets: 14 Par: 42
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 7°C 2.24 m/s SW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)

16. Potsdamer Eisgolfen

  • ohne Bahn 15
  • versetztes Tee 1
  • versetztes Tee 10
  • Dropzone an Bahn 12 (am linken Mando)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314+/-Sum
1Ben Skibba02/12/23 13:3022223222222222-1329
1Christopher Gebur02/12/23 09:3022222222232222-1329
1Michael Faber02/12/23 09:3022222222232222-1329
1Michael Faber02/12/23 13:3022222222232222-1329
5Christoph Kannler02/12/23 09:3022223222232222-1230
5Christopher Gebur02/12/23 13:3022223222232222-1230
5Sylwester Przybyla02/12/23 13:3022232222232222-1230
5Victor Braun02/12/23 13:3022223222232222-1230
9Jerome Braun02/12/23 09:3022223222233222-1131
9Sylwester Przybyla02/12/23 09:3023222222232322-1131
11Christoph Kannler02/12/23 13:3033222222232322-1032
11Christoph Zickert02/12/23 13:3023223222233222-1032
11Torsten Baus02/12/23 09:3023222222232332-1032
11Ivan Ilin02/12/23 13:3022223322232232-1032
15Jerome Braun02/12/23 13:3023222223233223-933
15Thomas Horenburg02/12/23 13:3023223222232332-933
15Niklas Kochems02/12/23 09:3023223323232222-933
15Victor Braun02/12/23 09:3022233222233322-933
15Ben Skibba02/12/23 09:3033222223222323-933
20Marek Weinert02/12/23 09:3023323233232222-834
20Christoph Zickert02/12/23 09:3022233233233222-834
20Nils Volkers02/12/23 13:3023223323233222-834
23Robin Knop02/12/23 09:3033223323232322-735
23Axel Küpper02/12/23 09:3023223323242322-735
23Ivan Ilin02/12/23 09:3023233322432222-735
23Thomas Horenburg02/12/23 09:3022223233232333-735
27Tom Howie02/12/23 13:3022333223333322-636
28Hannes Richter02/12/23 09:3033333223233322-537
28Ronny Möller02/12/23 13:3023223323433322-537
28Martin Rathmann02/12/23 13:3023223323233333-537

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2023-02-1216. Potsdamer Eisgolfen → 2. Runde40
2023-02-1216. Potsdamer Eisgolfen → 1. Runde42

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
