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  • Comment: Osalus 4€. Loosiauhind.

NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516+/-Sum
1Jarmo Liit -6F3333432233323222-643
1Siim Agu -6F2334323322323323-643
3Siim Rand -5F3332332242343223-544
3Martin Kõmmus -5F4333332333332222-544
5Madis Aal -4F3333323223423333-445
6Rainer Piil -1F4333433242332324-148
6Urmet Maivel -1F3423433343222343-148
6Georg-matis Heinsoo -1F5333422343323323-148
6Imre Riik -1F3245422322243343-148
6Ronald Kütt -1F3334322442443223-148
11Jargo Pisa 0F3233433243433333049
12Janno Liit +1F3543522333233423+150
13Jaana Üksik +2F4343432343333333+251
14Henri Kallas +3F4523344242343333+352
15Steven Valk +4F3323633463343223+453
15Tauno Küttim +4F4333434442423334+453
17argo raudvee +5F5333434423343343+554
17Kairi Pisa +5F4335433523334324+554
19Jarko Pähn +6F3433533443453323+655
19Karl-Markus Rool +6F4333453443424324+655
21Raigo Golub +8F34421023333323363+857
22Markus Voolma +12F4343534443434346+1261
23Andreas Ugam +13F4544534544334343+1362
24Kätlin Ausin +18F5545653544444333+1867

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The result was updated on: 2023-05-31 19:37:51. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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