

  • Registration start: 06/23/23 20:00 +:00
  • Registration end: 08/05/23 22:00 +:00
  • Maximum number of players: 45
  • The number of registered players: 47
Advanced (>889 rating)all
Intermediate (800-889 rating)all
Novice (<800 rating)all
Female (All Ratings)all

 Advanced (>889 rating) (10)PDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidRegistered on
1Jonathan JonasNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/19/23 18:21:53
2Simon MillikenNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:00:23
3Gavin PalmerNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:00:34
4Broden SherrattNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:19:42
5Clayton BeckNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 22:03:09
6Chris HillNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 22:07:47
7Brock BrinkworthNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 22:50:53
8Kamil AbratanskiSydney Disc Golf ClubYes06/23/23 21:00:22
9Tanga WaetfordSydney Disc Golf ClubYes06/23/23 21:01:15
10Paul ComninosSydney Disc Golf ClubYes06/24/23 07:51:40
 Intermediate (800-889 rating) (12)PDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidRegistered on
1Liam O’BrienYes06/23/23 23:32:31
2Justin BolamYes06/24/23 02:02:21
3Peter HelyerGeelong Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:00:40
4Stephen PenderNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:00:10
5Ben HomardNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:00:11
6Josh BrennanNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:01:22
7Adam RyanNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:46:16
8Bradley WilliamsNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:51:30
9Michael IseriefNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:54:55
10Josiah SmithNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 23:43:48
11Mark BolandotherYes06/23/23 22:02:52
12Jack LemonSydney Disc Golf ClubYes06/23/23 21:01:27
 Novice (<800 rating) (17)PDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidRegistered on
1michael smithYes06/23/23 21:03:02
2Alasdair DoctorYes06/23/23 21:05:22
3Steve DibdenYes06/23/23 21:06:06
4Richard DibdenYes06/23/23 21:13:09
5Robert Patey-DownesYes06/23/23 21:15:28
6Bryan GallagherYes06/23/23 21:21:46
7Kai NevilleYes06/24/23 06:36:57
8tim wallYes06/24/23 08:00:10
9Bradley DostalYes07/17/23 17:21:00
10Javier ArriguettiYes08/02/23 19:31:18
11hasham khanYes08/05/23 19:05:26
12Mat CraigNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:00:39
13Daryl BaileyNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:02:14
14Sheldon MaurerNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:40:35
15Vijay PierceNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:59:30
16Nick HampshireNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/24/23 05:43:32
17Joshua GreshamNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/24/23 09:09:49
 Female (All Ratings) (6)PDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidRegistered on
1Julia SmithYes06/24/23 09:58:01
2amanda purcellYes07/20/23 01:22:45
3Claire BrutonACT Disc Golf ClubYes06/23/23 22:02:38
4Jennifer BaileyNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:00:31
5Kelly WickhamNewcastle Disc GolfYes06/23/23 21:00:54
6Lacey MNewcastle Disc Golf ClubYes06/24/23 08:19:00
  PDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidRegistered on
1Kade Ashton108/06/23 14:07:20
2Charlie Buffon208/06/23 14:07:37


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