
01/09/24 19:00 Golfstart|Tremonia Putting Liga|GERMANY, NRW, Dortmund

4. Runde  01/09/24 19:00

Open (9)+/-Thr5m7m9m11m13m+/-Sum
1Jan Sendig +313+33
2Björn Weihs +4231+44
3Markus Wendel +5232+55
3Lars Schlüter +53221+55
3Mark Kresse +542111+55
6Andreas Anstock +7F22111+77
6Chris Habernoll +742221+77
8Justus Friedrich +843311+88
9Simon Guder +9F33111+99

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The result was updated on: 2024-01-09 19:39:07. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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