
    BBDL - Beyond Boundaries Discgolf League 2024


    We are proud to present the third of four international tournaments in 2024. The special thing about it: All tournaments will be organised through cross-border cooperation between three disc golf clubs, because disc golf knows no borders!

    We are really happy that it is finally starting and hope that you will experience a wonderful, and above all international tournament season together with us and that we will be able to welcome as many of you as possible in autumn 2024 at the final of the BBDL!

    But we hope even more that at the end of the BBDL you will not only have great memories, but also that one or the other international friendship will result from this initiative.

    By the way: >>> We have summarised all further information about the BBDL for you on this website <<<

    But now back to the third tournament of the BBDL which will take a place in Germany. 

    So what awaits you in Finsterwalde - DGC Bürgerheide ?

    Finsterwalde has already hosted regional disc golf league tournaments several times and this year became the third stop of the BBDL 2024 league.
    The 18-hole layout will be waiting for you and we believe that it will test all your senses and leave you with great memories.

    The tournament will be played according to the current rules of the PDGA and in respect of the local park and its visitors.


    • Registration:

      • 30,00 € (incl. PDGA fees, players package, participation in the ace pool, CTP and raffle).
      • 10,00 € for juniors (incl. PDGA fees, players package, participation in the ace pool, CTP and raffle)
    • Lunch - Mittagessen

      • vegetarian: delicious pasta in a colorful, creamy vegetable and tomato sauce (5,00 €)
      • with meat: delicious pasta with sliced meat in a colorful, creamy vegetable and tomato sauce (5,00 €)
      • vegetarisch: leckere Pasta in einer bunten, sahnigen Gemüse-Tomaten-Sauce (5,00 €)
      • fleischhaltig: leckere Pasta mit Geschnetzeltem in einer bunten, sahnigen Gemüse-Thomaten-Sauce (5,00 €) 
    • Arrival:

      • You are also welcome to camp with us on the club garden (10,00 € per night and person)
      • If you arrive on Saturday, please be punctual, so that we can start the tournament on point. 
    • Payment options:

      • Attention: For all payments, the name of the tournament and the first and last name of the player must be stated as a note / purpose. Payments that cannot be assigned due to missing information are generally reversed without further inquiry.
      • Payment by transfer:
      • Name:   N8fiwa Discgonauts e.V.
      • IBAN:    DE54180510000201030683
      • BIC:       WELADED1EES
    • or via Paypal :   https://paypal.me/Discgonauts

      • Attention: payment by Paypal needs an additional 2,00 € fee


    • Players package : 

      • You will receive the link in your email for the tournament registration and there you will choose your RPM disc.


    • Scorring : 

      • we score via PDGA-Live (two players) and Discgolfmetrix (min. one player)


    • Allocation of starting places

      In order to confirm your starting place, we ask you to transfer the start fee including any catering fees within 7 days. If this does not happen, we will assign the open slot to the next player in the waiting list (the registration time on Metrix applies). You will be informed about the receipt of a starting place by e-mail. 

      To underline the international character of the BBDL, the first 20 registered players from the Czech Republic will receive a secure starting place (wildcard), provided that their registration has been made by 28.07.2024. After that, only the time of registration on Metrix decides. For the clubs of the Chaingaroos, Discgonauts and Albium, 3 wildcards are available separately.

      Withdrawal of registration and refund of the entry fee

      This is governed by the rules of the PDGA under point 1.03. The most important things can be summarized as follows:

      1.03 A - Players must unsubscribe from the TD by phone or email. Unsubscribing from Metrix alone is not enough.

      1.03 C - If the player cancels at or before 31/07/24, 100% of his entry fee will be refunded.

      1.03 D - In case of cancellation between 01/08/24 - 16/08/24, 100% will be refunded if the starting place is filled. If the place is not filled, we will refund 50% of the entry fee.

      1.03 E - In case of cancellation between 17/08/24 - 29/08/24, 100% will be refunded if the starting place is filled. If the place is not filled, we will refund 25% of the entry fee.

      1.03 F - If you cancel between 30/08/24 - 31/08/24, you will not receive a refund.

      1.03 I - If a division is not formed and the player refuses to start in a division that suits him, the player will be refunded 100% of his entry fee.

      1.03 K - If the tournament is cancelled by the TD, players will receive a 100% refund.

    our timetable:

    What? When? Where?
    Sunrise 06:17 h in Finsterwalde
    Players-check-in: 07:30 h - 08:45 h in Vereinsgarden N8fiwa Discgonauts
    1. Players meeting: 09:00 h in Vereinsgarden N8fiwa Discgonauts
    Tee-off Round 1: 09:30 h Hole 1 - 18
    Lunch: 12:30 h - 13:30 h in Vereinsgarden N8fiwa Discgonauts 
    2. Players meeting: 13:30 - 13:40 h in Vereinsgarden N8fiwa Discgonauts
    Tee-off Round 2: 14:00 h Hole 1 - 18
    eventually Play-Off 16:30 - 17:00 h in Vereinsgarden N8fiwa Discgonauts
    Victory ceremony approximately 17:30 h in Vereinsgarden N8fiwa Discgonauts
    Sunset 19:51 h in Finsterwalde


    • Doubles tournament at the end

      • For the first time this year, you have the opportunity to conclude the tournament weekend on Sunday (01.09.2024) as part of a doubles tournament with the 18 lanes of the BBDL layout. 
      • You can find all the information you need on the registration page.


    We are looking forward to your participation! Where to find us: Finsterwalde


    Sporty greetings by the N8fiwa discgonauts e.V. 

    Marcus and Ronny

    and of course the Orga-Crew of BBDL :-)



    RPM Discs
    Rocket Disc



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