
MPO (6)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum  
1Tapio Lehtinen -6F243333333-127-650
2Mikko _ Niemi -4F242433333-127-452
3Jere Virtala -3F242333233-325-353
4Tomi Marttila 0F234343425+230056
4Ossi Harinen 0F343336232+129056
6Sami Nikkanen +7F343333444+331763
MPM (<1978) (11)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum  
1Jukka Peräkivi -6F233333243-226-650
2Sami Laaksonen -1F233243423-226-155
2Petri Hotari -1F253335322028-155
4Seppo Järvinen 0F245333323028056
5Pertti J +2F253433333+129258
5jyrki jokinen +2F333244344+230258
7Anti Villmann +3F243334324028359
7Leo Setälä +3F235334343+230359
7Jukka Piipponen +3F333234335+129359
10Jouni Paija +4F343334324+129460
11Miia Lantunen +5F334335243+230561

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The result was updated on: 2018-06-12 19:45:56. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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