
MPM (<1978) (16)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum  
1Jari Lahtinen -9F222432332-423-945
2Toni Lantunen -5F233333332-225-549
2Pasi Karhu -5F333334232-126-549
4Jani Heino -2F233332333-225-252
5Henry Niemi -1F223334432-126-153
6Tatu Lehtinen 0F334435322+229054
7Leo Setälä +1F233353322-126155
7jyrki jokinen +1F223336323027155
9Seppo Järvinen +2F323433334+128256
9Sami Laaksonen +2F333333333027256
11Pertti J +3F433234333+128357
12Jukka Piipponen +4F224345333+229458
12Tero Laaksomaa +4F223344344+229458
14Jouni Paija +5F233433444+330559
15Ossi Harinen +8F337325433+633862
16Anti Villmann +10F433334342+2291064
FPO (1)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum  
1Janet Kukk +22F344546444+11382276
FPM (3)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum  
1Riitta Laaksomaa +7F224533443+330761
1Miia Lantunen +7F235343424+330761
3Satu Parikka +11F344445342+6331165

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The result was updated on: 2018-07-24 20:03:50. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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