
    NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
    Pro Open (30)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
    1Johan Renaudier -6F323244223533242334-654
    2Philippe CASENOBE -5F443332234333234423-555
    3brook -2F433342325533233235-258
    4Jean-Marie Kaczmaryk 0F533234335533233334060
    4Vincent ROY 0F335242244433253335060
    6Maxime Cartier +2F433244334534253334+262
    7Damien POURSIN +3F623253335533334334+363
    8Alexis Pertsov +5F634342335433344335+565
    8Florent Dikanic +5F445333236543233336+565
    8Philippe Lacour +5F643433334533442335+565
    11Fabrice PIERRE +7F443343346543244335+767
    11Félix Bunel +7F434444344445244334+767
    11matthieu de labareyre +7F444245345433254335+767
    11Nicolas +7F433243344434445454+767
    15Vincent Bernard +8F533346334433443364+868
    15Bob Mohl +8F543344335434345335+868
    17Bertrand Ecoutin +9F633343345633346334+969
    17Michael Balcou +9F543433344433465344+969
    17Félix Priour--Martin +9F534243236555434434+969
    17Cyrille Perez +9F444243335543454336+969
    21Paul Ecoutin +10F433244336443564354+1070
    22stephane vivies +11F544444336444343345+1171
    22Antoine ESCRIBANO +11F543332434635347345+1171
    22Romain Giovanella +11F553354355544244334+1171
    25Arnaud Lévénès +13F335544355433444338+1373
    26Justin Paradis +14F553354344544243385+1474
    27Jérémy Possamaï +15F454644346534343346+1575
    27Yannis JULIENNE +15F534243635544553347+1575
    29pascal Rodrigues +16F634544346555433345+1676
    30Quentin MOLLERON +17F564344346635443346+1777
    Pro Master 40+ (8)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
    1ERIC SCHILLIGER -1F435253334333244224-159
    2Jean-Marie Hallier +1F432353334433433335+161
    3alexandre SIMONIN +3F433243225535345334+363
    4François Graneris +4F443245335434243335+464
    5Richard Bekkouche +7F543444345434233336+767
    6Michael M +10F454243336534445335+1070
    7Régis Brouard +14F643244437544444435+1474
    8Robin GOUGE +15F556243344444255537+1575
    Junior ≤ 18 (5)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
    1Lucas SCHILLIGER +3F442342338433233345+363
    2Rom77 +8F633244336544244335+868
    3Marin PEREZ +10F543353335544343346+1070
    4RAP +26F555435356645357555+2686
    5Loic SCHILLIGER 0-00
    Pro Open Women (2)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
    1Elisa Brault +12F543443435544343437+1272
    2Juliette Veniez +52F666696558887554459+52112

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    The result was updated on: 2020-09-15 11:40:31. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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