
03/24/22 17:00 Golfstart|Amelia Earhart Park → Standard|UNITED STATES, FL, Miami-Dade, Hialeah

Round  03/24/22 17:00
  • Show groups: click here
  • Comment: Ctps - 2, 5, 10, 13, 16 and 17 if more than 12 pay for ctp. Cashapp - $MiamiDiscGolfClub. $1 club $ 1 ace $5 ctps $3 handicaps $1 mulligan. Payment is optional to play. Minimum $2 for club and ace recommended.

No Result (Sum)HCAdjusted Score
chmFrank Vargas51-55-4
chmAndrew Pouya56-55.60.4
Ryan Bobson62-58.13.9
chmEddie Gillette60-55.84.2
cmJorge Guzman51 51
amOvy Ramirez62 62
Gonzalo Pugnaire66 66
cmDonald Everage66 66
cmCarlos Bernabela66 66
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Frank Vargas -6F333332333224342323-651
1Jorge Guzman -6F332333332334242332-651
3Andrew Pouya -1F332532344424333332-156
4Eddie Gillette +3F543342443234343234+360
5Ryan Bobson +5F554333253335342324+562
5Ovy Ramirez +5F333323234335447334+562
7Donald Everage +9F535373442335333343+966
7Gonzalo Pugnaire +9F543464342234343336+966
7Carlos Bernabela +9F543433453336453332+966

Hole-by-hole statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Pay before the round starts! Cashapp - $MiamiDiscGolfClub Paypal - miamidiscgolf@gmail.com. $1 club $ 1 ace $5 ctps $3 handicaps $1 mulligan. Payment is optional to play. Minimum $2 for club and ace recommended.


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