  • Show groups: click here
  • Comment: Register Here. $30 entry cashapp $MiamiDiscGolfClub. Meet at Kiosk. Two rounds. CTPs and payouts within divisions. Combined Ace throw off if not hit. Food included. Optional $5 putting after. More info below.

No Pay
A Pool
Andres Balantak
David Brennerkq
Devin Aedokpq
Mario Guerrakpq
Nicholas Toledok
Randy Beerskp
Rolo Ruiz del Vizokpq
Sebastian Perezkpq
B Pool
Abdiel Hernandezkpq
Emilio Condiskq
Javier Morenok
JC Canavesk
Jorge De Jesus Vargaskq
Mario Lopezkp
Ray Monzonk
Yandy Gonzalezkp
  A PoolB PoolSum
 A Pool (9)  
1Devin Aedo 112112
2Randy Beers 115115
3Rolo Ruiz del Vizo 118118
4Andres Balanta 120120
5Nicholas Toledo 126126
6Sebastian Perez 131131
7David Brenner 132132
8Bebo 137137
8Mario Guerra 137137
 B Pool (8)  
1Abdiel Hernandez 121121
2Jorge De Jesus Vargas 126126
3Javier Moreno 130130
4Mario Lopez 133133
5Emilio Condis 136136
6JC Canaves 137137
7Ray Monzon 138138
8Yandy Gonzalez 151151

King of C

$12 for CTPs 6-K1 and  6-K2
$10 payouts 40% paid
$3 ACE
$3 Food
$2 Birdie Bounty 4-K1 and 4 K2
Birdie King Hat
Most OBs Hat

Hot round 1 each round Miami Disc Hat

Post round food and in-between snacks for $3 included.

Optional $5 putting contest for MDGC merchandise prizes.

Win your card 2nd round mug

Both pools play same pads K2, A Pool K1 L, B pool K1 S. B pool registration limited to metrix and pdga less than 935.


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