
08/21/16 12:30|Pahkavuori → 12 (2015)|FINLAND, Varsinais-Suomi, Salo

    NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
    1Robin Raudsepp -8F222333323223-830
    2Mikael Vihiniemi -5F233323223433-533
    3Mauri Lokkila -3F532334233223-335
    3marko jaatinen -3F332324326223-335
    5Taneli Sirkelä -2F233344234224-236
    6joni utriainen +2F333335333335+240
    6Harri Saari +2F443334235333+240
    6Kaapo Kallio +2F323435343352+240
    9Niko Mäkelä +3F333644423333+341
    9henry myyry +3F332436244343+341
    11Kale Savonen +4F442345334235+442
    12Joni Kuusisto +6F334534244345+644
    12Tomi Lehtinen +6F242346345353+644
    14Niklas Lähteenlahti +7F444325434354+745

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    The result was updated on: 2016-08-21 13:41:59. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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