
Kendall Indian Hammocks Park K3 new

  • Location: United States, FL, Miami-Dade, Miami, SW 114th Ave
  • Baskets: 18 Par: 55 Length: 1641m PAR rating: 898
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  • Weather: 23°C 4.12 m/s E
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)
  • Course map

Updated layout 2023. 

Beyond Walls are OB.

Beyond Fence in H1 to 4 area and H5 is OB.

Beyond Berm on H6, H10 on H18 is OB

Take 1 meter relief from Berm.  If any part of the disc lands on the Berm it is in. Take a meter relief perpendicular from the inside edge of the Berm if in. Take a meter relief in any direction from inside edge if the disc is out.

1 - Double Mando first Tree on the Left and Power pole on the right

3 - Mando to the Right of electrical pole

11 - take 2 meter relief from wall (only 2 meters from wall on 11, one meter on any other hole)

14 - Sidewalk and beyond for Palace Nursing and Rehab is OB



Ratings analysis

Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Nicholas Toledo01/02/24 16:00233332232232322323-1045
1Orlando Leiva02/21/23 16:00333233222242222233-1045
1Randy Beers02/21/23 16:00233322232233223224-1045
1Randy Beers02/13/24 16:00423233232232323222-1045
1Rolo Ruiz del Vizo01/02/24 16:00234332222233322223-1045
1Sebastian Perez01/20/24 15:00233223232232233323-1045
7Orlando Leiva01/02/24 16:00323223232332232324-946
7Orlando Leiva11/19/24 16:00223223332242422323-946
7Orlando Leiva11/29/24 16:00233232233332223323-946
7Andres Balanta03/21/23 17:00233233232242223332-946
7Randy Beers11/25/23 15:00234232232332323223-946
7Craig Wiseman11/21/23 16:00223333232332323223-946
7Randy Beers02/17/24 15:00333232232343222223-946
7Rolo Ruiz del Vizo03/03/23 16:00333232332332322322-946
7Adam Zwibelman01/26/24 16:00333223232232323323-946
7Adam Zwibelman12/17/24 16:00233323232232223333-946
17Orlando Leiva03/21/23 17:00333332322242223332-847
17carlos gonzalez11/21/23 16:00233322333333222323-847
17David Brenner11/08/24 16:00333223332242223323-847
17Frank Vargas02/13/24 16:00233333232242332322-847
17Ramon Escamilla03/11/23 15:00234322332243222332-847
17Mario Guerra01/02/24 16:00323333232242322323-847
17Mario Guerra11/29/24 16:00333322332332323223-847
17Mario Guerra12/17/24 16:00224222333233322333-847
17Nicholas Toledo03/03/23 16:00332333222332223333-847
17Nicholas Toledo03/21/23 17:00323323332332233232-847
17carlos gonzalez11/19/24 16:00333332233342222322-847
17carlos gonzalez11/29/24 16:00333232232332323323-847
29Ovy Ramirez03/21/23 17:00333333232242223233-748
29Frank Vargas02/21/23 16:00323333232332422323-748

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
